How to... Add picture to an album

It's very easy to add pictures to your album. You can do it:

As the pictures are added to your album, you will see the little thumbnails appear in the main window of MyAlbum.

You can interrupt the loading by keeping the Esc key pressed until it stops.

After you've added the pictures, first save your album then a good thing to do is to describe the pictures. Open the Picture information dialog box (menu command Picture | Picture information or F7 function key) you can assign a comment describing the picture and attach one or more keywords for locating more easily a picture in a large album.

Or you can directly start a slideshow !

Using HTML files

If Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 (or later) is installed on your computer, you can add HTML files in an album. It enables you to add formatted text pages anywhere in your albums.

HTML files must be added to the album using the drag'n drop method.

HTML files can of course contains hyper-links leading to other pages either on your computer or on the Internet. For the later, it is recommended to open them in a new window (option Target="_blank" in the HTML code) rather than in MyAlbum to have better browsing options.

You can also define links that point inside the album by using the following URL syntax:


Examples :

<a href="myalbum://picture=6"> Image xxx </a>
  will jump to the 6th picture in the album.

<a href="myalbum://picture=-2"> Image xxx </a>
  will go 2 pictures back.

<a href="myalbum://picture=+1"> Image xxx </a>
  will jump to the next picture.

<a href="myalbum://gotopic=sunset.jpg"> Image xxx </a>
  will jump to the first picture named Sunset.jpg in the current album.

<a href="myalbum://picture=0"> Quit the slideshow </a>
  use 0 as picture number to exit the slideshow.

Important note:
It is recommended to place Quit the slideshow link or button somewhere in your HTML page with the above code: the standard methods for quitting the full-screen mode (Esc key, popup menu or both mouse buttons down) will not work once the user has clicked in the displayed HTML page and he/she will wonder on how to leave the screen.
Links to the following pictures can be useful to if the slideshow is to be executed in manual mode.

Tip with drag'n drop

When dropping files in MyAlbum from the Windows Explorer, MyAlbum will only retain the files it knows about (it will ignore for instance .txt text file or .exe executables). You can force MyAlbum to accept all the dropped files by holding the Ctrl key. Note that unrecognizable files will be displayed using the MyAlbum logo.

This can be useful for adding files in a new video format for instance. To play the video, change the type of the picture in MyAlbum to video with this script:

const TYPE_VID = 31
dim alb, pic, st
set alb = app.GetCurrentAlbum
if not alb is nothing then
  set pic = alb.GetVisiblePicture( alb.nCurrentPicture )
  if not pic is nothing then
    st = pic.lStatus
    st = (st and &HFFFFFF00) or TYPE_VID
    pic.lStatus = st
  end if
end if